Report of the StEER-Leb First Shadowing Visit to Cadiz

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Report of the StEER-Leb First Shadowing Visit to Cadiz

Rome, April 3, 2019

The first shadowing visit of the StEER-Leb project was held from March 24 to March 29, 2019 at the University of Cadiz, Spain. Students and staff from Lebanese (USEK, USJ, LAU) and EU universities (UCA, Unibo, URouen) shared their experiences about student representation.
Participants had the opportunity to visit UCA students units and learn about students associations. They also met students involved in the SAP (Service for Psychological and Pedagogical Care) and ESN (Erasmus Students Network).
After a fruitful debate on student representation, they worked in small groups to identify good practices that could be implemented in Lebanese universities.
Students underwent a workshop delivered by UNIMED about communication tools to share the outcomes of the project and promote students activities and associations.
This visit fostered different learning processes of exchanging perspectives, experiences and paved the way towards enhancing dialogue and promoting student empowerment during the StEER-Leb project.

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